11 Years and 364 Days
This time 11 years and 364 days ago I was packing my bags to make the trip to Houston for one final last time.
11 years and 364 days ago I was getting ready to throw a huge stick into my soon-to-be father-in-law’s annual hunting trip, which apparently was the first time he had to miss it in 24 years. (Oops. You can’t blame the girl who came from the non hunting household.)
11 years and 364 days ago I was checking my list repeatedly, planning for the worse case and bracing for even worse than I could have imagined (hey I was nervous ok?).
11 years and 364 days ago we gathered at the church to practice because practice makes perfect.
11 years and 364 days ago our friends and family joined us for dinner, a final dinner as two before we became one.
11 years and 364 days ago my dad told me to go to bed early because I needed all the sleep I could get (I didn’t sleep a wink).
11 years and 364 days ago I was preparing for a single day. It was just a single day.
But that single day 12 years ago has led the the most beautiful life I could have ever of imagined.
Happy Anniversary Mr. Byrd. 12 years look good on us.
Just add gray and we look the same except less rested and more adept to deal with pre-teen attitudes (and a 6 year old that has a diet of tacos and waffles).
Thank you for all you give to me and how you love me.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them. – Matthew 18:20

Happy anniversary to you both!!