This one just makes me so happy. That’s the best reason I can give you.
2. When Life Hands You Manure, Grow Daisies and Thrive –
What you do with the bad things that happen in your life is a choice and we all have the choice to choose the positive route. Life is going to hand you manure, it will… what are you going to do with it?
3. Jesus Did Not Come To Save Perfection, He Came To Save Me –
Why’d I make this one? Because I beat myself up when I fail in the smallest ways. I needed a reminder that Jesus wouldn’t have come to save me if I was perfect. I make mistakes and drip paint all over the house but that’s why Jesus came to earth…. for clumsy people like myself.
4. Silence is Golden but Duct Tape is Silver
Summer is long sometimes. All you need to do is frame this and put it where the kids can see, preferably next to a roll of duct tape. Problem Solved.
5. I Carry Your Heart with Me, I Carry It In My Heart –
I love this poem. Actually I love everything about e.e. cummings because apparently they knew that texting would one day kill off capitalization.
And honorable mention goes to…. Don’t go Bacon My Heart because bacon always deserves a mention.
What do you think? Which one is your favorite? Leave it in comments below. You can also find these on my Pinterest Free Printable Board.