All I Want for Christmas

Maker of Things - Life, Parenting, Travel, Crafts, and Messes
by Bobbie Byrd
I have something embarrassing to tell you, my friends. (Deep breaths)… I know this is a judgment free zone (because yall forgive me for having the world’s worst looking hot glue gun).. so here it goes….. My front door is naked. Naked. It’s bad enough that the previous owners painted it a very unfortunate shade […]
It’s always funny when you’re packing everything up at the end of the Christmas season and somehow you need to figure out how to stuff 35 paper Christmas gift bags into one tiny wrapping paper storage box. There’s also a little bit of sadness when a really cute gift bag that you found gets torn […]
Yes mam, 2017 go away!! It’s been a very bumpy road, and i am ready for some smooth roads! But thru it all, i have felt my Father’s arms around us. I know that Heavenly Fathervis there and knows me.
amen ?
Preach on sister! 2017 had some good moments, but overall it can seriously go on and GTHO! I don’t think I’ll ever feel like things are “back to normal” so I’m just ready to adopt and cultivate a happy, peaceful NEW normal!
New normal is right on the dot.
A great passage in the Bible says: These trials are to test your faith, to see if it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it-and your faith is much more precious to GOD than mere gold. (1st Peter 1:6)
Been through a few trials, I can testify that I am now better off for them. The sun always looks brightest after several cloudy days.
I have a pretty awesome dad who has taught me this.