Summer is fun. I look forward to it every year. However, let’s be honest. There’s a point in the summer when you want to load all the kids up in the van and drop them at the nearest school, even the homeschooled ones.
We have reached that point in the summer.
Thankfully our school district cut summer short this year in exchange for some extra breaks during the year. Before we know it, the kids will be back in school, handing the daily chaos over to the wonderful people known as teachers.
So if you have teachers in your life that need a little gift or you’re a homeschool mama that needs to make yourself some encouragement, here’s a few back-to-school themed crafts for you to make.
Notebook Paper Lined Totes
These are easy and fun to make. If you have a ruler and fabric markers, you can make a really cute tote bag for the teachers in your life.
You won’t believe how easy it is to make a personalized bag and the best news is that you do not need a Cricut or any other brand of electronic cutter to make them.
Find the full instructions to make these Cute DIY Tote Bags here.
Pencil Mason Jar
I have this mason jar sitting on my desk and it just makes me happy. Make it and fill it with pencils (I recommend Ticonderoga brand) or fill it with a selection of healthy treats to power teachers through the school year.
Find instructions to make your own Pencil Mason Jars here.
Let’s Taco About How Awesome You Are-Free Printable
This is a great gift to make when you need a lot of gifts or when you want to give a gift card. Print out these taco cards with free taco soup recipe and then attach it to a packet of taco seasoning. It’s a cost-effective but adorable gift. If you want to do a little bit more, add on a gift card to your favorite grocery store.
Find the Free Let’s Taco About How Awesome You Are Printable here.
Thank You for Helping Me Grow – Free Printable
I like printables because it’s easy to attach to something and yet makes it feel a little more personalized. This Thank You for Helping Me Grow tag is so cute. Print it, cut it out and attach it to packets of flower seeds or tie it onto a clay pot filled with flowers.
Grab the free printable, Thank You For Helping Me Grow, here
How long until your kid returns to school? Don’t stress about teacher gifts if that’s not in your budget or time frame. Remember that a handwritten note of encouragement or even a quick email of thanks and support will probably be the best gift that a teacher ever receives from you.