Vincent Van Gogh said, "If you hear a voice within you say that you cannot paint, then by all means paint and it will be silenced." Preach. There was a time in my life where I told myself that I couldn't paint because I was looking at technical painters and trying to fit my overly creative brain into that space. I'm not going to do a perfect still life that will be raved about for its photo-like qualities. It's not in me and it never will be. But that doesn't mean that I can't paint and make some kick-butt things. You can too. If you've followed this blog for a while then you know that … [Read more...]
Fighting Depression – What I’ve Learned So Far
I've been quiet lately. You might have noticed. Usually, I'm on social media a lot and always sharing with you what I'm making. But in the past few days, I've just been blah. As I shared with you a while back, I'm dealing with depression and anxiety. The post I wrote only addressed depression but every time I talk about depression in front of my counselor, P.O., she quickly adds in, "and anxiety." So yeah... that too. When I get down, I get quiet. When I'm just kinda blah, I paint with headphones blaring music so loud I couldn't hear an explosion. When I'm really in the doldrums, I … [Read more...]
Vacation Bible School Crafts – In The Wild VBS
Welcome my wild friends! I know you're somewhat wild because if you're reading this post right now, chances are that you're helping with vacation bible school this year. VBS is one of my favorite things each year but let's be honest, I also have to come home each day afterward and take a nap - because it's wild. But because I love you, I've come up with several VBS Craft ideas for the theme, In The Wild. It can also work for any animal / zoo / jungle themed VBS that you are participating in. Our church holds a pre-VBS planning meeting each year and is nice enough to let me play in paint … [Read more...]
The Perfect Wedding Gift – A DIY Handpainted Bible
Wedding gifts can be easy. If it's just a coworker or neighbor than you just grab an instapot, wrap it up and you're done. But when the wedding is for you sister or loved one, it gets a little harder. Am I right? Earlier this summer I got a beautiful wedding invitation for my sister's wedding. I knew it was coming but when I saw the invitation my heart still kinda fluttered. Maybe it flipped around a little because I am so happy for her but I think a bigger reason might have been because now I had to find a good wedding gift for her and her future husband. It's so stressful that my dad … [Read more...]
Game On VBS Decorations – Perfect For Any Sports Themed Parties or VBS
Our church always holds it's VBS the first week of summer. One part of me loves that because it's a great way to kick off summer but the other part is already worn out from end of school stuff. Last year when I found out that the theme was sports, I was kinda lost on ideas for decorating for a sports themed VBS like Game On. I wasn't sure how I wanted to decorate or how I could do it quickly when I was already so exhausted. However I found a magic trick that I want to share with you. Not only did this one magic thing make everything so much easier - it was cheap too! First … [Read more...]
Don’t Let Anyone Look Down On You Because You Are Young – Free Printable
Once upon a time I was a young little whippersnapper. I laughed at the oldies who drove the minivans full of soccer kids and dyed my hair for fun rather than gray coverage. But my young wrinkle-less life at that time was not without problem so when I accepted Christ at the age of 17, I also fell in love with the bible verse 1 Timothy 4:12. I found the words of that verse to be encouraging and help me stay on the right path (kinda). Over the years I've clung to the words "do not let anyone look down on you because of your youth but set an example to the believers in speech, in … [Read more...]
What Supplies Do You Need for Bible Journaling?
Illustrated Faith, also known as bible journaling is a great way to worship using your creative/artistic side. But what supplies do you need for bible journaling? What do you need to get started with Bible Journaling? If you want to know a little bit more about Bible Journaling or you want to find alternate ways to participate in Bible Journaling without drawing in a bible, check out this post. If you've decided that you want to try out Bible journaling, I've put together a list of basic items that are easy to get and can help you start on your journey. Sketch Journal: I … [Read more...]
Illustrated Faith When You Don’t Want To Draw In A Bible
Awhile back I started seeing beautiful illustrations of scripture and meaningful quotes all over Instagram, called illustrated faith. I quickly fell in love with it and spent days scrolling through the #illustratedfaith hashtag. Most people are choosing to use a journaling bible with wide margins to create their illustrations. Some people choose to only use the margins while others draw directly over the words. Many of the illustrated faith pictures I have seen have been so beautiful and to me it was a wonderful way to use your creative side in worship. But I can't bring … [Read more...]
The Simple Story Of A Wheat Harvest That Changed A Life
Sometimes we bemoan and cry out because we don't believe that our portion is enough. We look at what others have and think, "why can't I have that?". The other day I was leaving the store, pushing our shopping cart out to my husband's car which is more than enough but is older. Next to me was a lady loading her groceries into an extremely shiny luxury vehicle with DVD screens in the headrests and beautiful tan leather. "What did she do to afford that?" I wondered in my head. "How can I get there?", was my next thought. Then I opened the door to my husbands car and our youngest … [Read more...]
When You Need a Deeper Thanks
Thankful. It's easy to be thankful for the easy things. Each year we write what we're thankful for on colorful leaves or go around the table at dinner to let the simple thanks roll off our tongue and slip off the table. We're thankful for our mom, the amazing dinner, maybe for our jobs or the new TV you're buying the next day. Those are all great things to be thankful for and we should be thankful. But let's go deeper. This year let's be thankful for the hard roads that formed us. Let us be thankful for the jagged rocks that cut our feet on the climb that … [Read more...]
The Salvation Letters
Last week my kids went to Vacation Bible School. They did what any kid normally does at vacation bible school. There was singing, craft time, games and more. It was same ol', same ol' even in one part that I didn't want to be the same. You see last year as I picked our oldest up one day from VBS I was handed a letter. I opened the letter in our van and my heart sank to the floor. What could be in a letter that caused that reaction? The letter informed me that on that day during what this church calls the Big Show, my daughter had accepted Christ. I know what you're … [Read more...]
Guilt and Honesty.
*This is probably the most honest and open post that I have ever shared on my blog. I'm not writing this looking for tips on overcoming this but to share with you so that others may know that women struggle with this. Women need to stop hiding the fact that we are not perfect. Pinterest is amazing but it's not real breathing life. Be real with each other. Also, negative comments will not be approved." When the stranger making your food at Freebirds looks at you and asks, "Is everything ok" you know that you the feelings that you're trying to oppress inside are slowly … [Read more...]