Clutter Be Gone.
Have you ever been in the spot where you clean your house for an hour a day and at the end of the day it’s still a mess? This has been my perpetual torture for the last month. However I know what’s causing my house to be such a mess, it’s clutter.
Ever since christmas it’s been building up. There has been so much stuff out of place and other things jammed into that original item’s place so now there’s no where else for it to go. My kitchen had stuff lining all the walls because I couldn’t fit it all back in the cabinets.
Last week I couldn’t take it anymore and I started cleaning out the upstairs. It took me three days but three days and 8 bags of donations/ trash and it’s looking a lot bettter. Of course that’s my kids territory so it’s still a little mess but it’s a controlled mess. (or as controlled as you can get with kids).
Friday afternoon I decided to go ahead and clean out the kitchen cabinets. Surely it would not take more than an hour I thought. Three hours later all the cabinets were cleaned out, wiped down and reorganized. My spastic, not an organizing bone in my body self was proud of me and my feet hurt from standing on the tile floor for three hours straight. It was looking preparing Thanksgiving Dinner but there wasn’t any pies to enjoy.
The good news is that I found out I had spices from 2003. Ten years of yumminess.
The bad news is that I found out I have a problem buying too much olive oil. I go through phases of over buying items. Right before christmas I got into a flour buying kick and now have 6 extremely large bags of flour in my pantry. This summer it was eggs and I had so many I had to make the dogs scrambled eggs just to use them all.
I also found the stash of chocolate I hid a few months ago.
Princess Newbie about went into hysterics when she saw the box of hot chocolate in the trash that her grandmother had given her for christmas. I about went into hysterics explaining to her that it was just the box and that she had already drank all the hot chocolate.
But now my kitchen is beautiful and I’m so proud. It calms my soul a little just to be able to see the countertops again.
This weekend I have to clean out all the built in cabinets in our living room, which is packed full of craft junk. Then I hope to make a cake and post the recipe for you. We’ll be making valentine’s too because what else do you do the weekend before Valentine’s?
What will you be making this weekend?
I am in a clutter be gone mood too. Spent two hours on the office yesterday and have been working on it more today. Next task is to get the playroom back in order after the tornado of kids this week. I HATE CLUTTER!!
After you bake the cake, bring me some!!
I’m way jealous. I so should be doing that too. I should also be making V-day stuff, but I don’t really feel like it. Because I’m on a diet, and I’m hungry. Very hungry. Like there may be no V-day for me, or my hubs or my kids. Because I may eat them.
You know what you’ve done? You’ve added another check box on my check list. 🙂 Seriously, I need to clean my kitchen. Specifically, my pantry. I see extraordinary ideas on Pinterest, with beautiful jars and whatnot, but I’m afraid that my family will simply break them. Woe is we mommies! Mandi Roach