Control Freak Run Amuck.
Two things you should know –
1. I love the work amuck. It’s just genius.
2. I do all the work on this site with the design and function myself. Now.. some people might say “oh good for you! wow! you must do it to teach yourself new skills!”
No. Let’s be honest. I do all the work myself because I’m a control freak.
If I break my site (which causes my husband to shudder just to think about because I will be up until 5am fixing it) than it’s my fault. But if someone else breaks it…. I would probably need to go sit in a field of lavender to keep from hyperventilating. Young Living oils and Doterra combined would not have enough calming oils for me. It would stress me out that much!
So the good news is that I have been crafting but hopefully I didn’t use the trusty old glue gun….
You see I know that sometimes navigating this site is hard. Helping you be able to find things easier on this site has been on my to-do list for a very long time and I keep putting it to the side.
Well! The day (or middle of the night) has come and today I finally got one small section mostly done.
I crafted this new gallery just for you.
In the past when you clicked on the Printables link up there at the top it would just list all the posts that were in the printables category. Basically you would have to scroll down a lot to find stuff.
But that’s no longer the case! As of today if you click on Printables you will be taken to a page that looks like this:
I think I just heard angels singing!
Isn’t it beautiful? Now you can easily scroll through all the Free Printables on Clumsy Crafter and find what you are looking for.
This is just a taste though. Don’t worry – hopefully soon I’ll have it all redone (crafts, tutorials and recipes included) and easy to find.
So today why don’t you hop over there and see if there’s any free printables you’ve missed?
Feel free to Pin them or share them with your friends.
One of my favorites is Wicked Chickens Make Deviled Eggs.

This is awesome Bobbie! I’ve wanted to do this with my recipes for a long time but I have never gotten around to it. Maybe someday 🙂