How to Make a Deco Mesh Wreath

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All you need to start is a wire wreath from, pipe cleaners, and one wide roll of Deco Mesh. If you haven’t heard of Deco Mesh, it is a wide mesh ribbon that is pliable yet still holds it’s shape that is available at most large craft stores. You can also find a wide assortment of Deco Mesh on Amazon. Or if you want a more modern take instead of deco mesh, check out how to make a hoop wreath on this post.

What did you use to attach the letter to the mesh wreath?
I just glued two long pieces of ribbon to the back of the “P” and then I tied the ribbon onto the wreath. It was really easy and removable if the person that I made the wreath for wants to change it out for something else.
Di you just use 1 roll of Deco Mesh or 2?
I use two.
What size was the wire frame? And what was the width of the deco mesh you used?
Also, I have a 12″ wire wreath frame I would like to use and have no idea what width of mesh I should use… 4″? 6″? 10″? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks so much. Love your wreath! 🙂
Where did you purchase the pipe cleaners … If you wouldn’t mind can you email me
I bought them at hobby lobby.
I made a wreath and did the outside wire with gold mesh and the inside with blue the is a college football wreath. It was a 18 in wire. When I made this at night looked great, but in the day you can see the green wire circle. Did I do something wrong or is this normal for mesh ?
It’s normal. Go back over each color with a double layer & that will fix it!
I hope this helps!!
I painted the green wire circle to match the deco mesh
That’s a great idea!
Love the wreath!!! Do you happen to have a tutorial for a pumpkin or a snowman. Trying to figure out how to make them both and your wreath was so easy to follow. Thanks so much for any help
I do not have a tutorial for those. However I would use the same wire frame and then use a medium gage wire to make a spider web in the middle of the frame. It doesn’t have to be a perfect spider web, just criscross the wires and tie well to opposite sides of the frame. It can be very messy since it’ll be hidden, you just want the middle filled in to support the middle part of the pumpkin/ snowman. Once you get a good metal frame going then you can just fill in the middle of the wreath form using the exact same technique. Add a green stem at the top and get creative with leaves and you should have a great decomesh pumpkin. If you have any questions or that just didn’t make sense, feel free to email me Bobbie@ClumsyCrafter.com
Thank you so much for the help! Doing a Super Hero wreath with blue and red mesh ribbon for PTA fundraiser. Wish me luck!!
Send me a pictures when you’re done! I would love to see it!
Could you give me an idea how much mesh is needed to make one 18 in wreath? These are beautiful and looks very uncomplicated to make. I love them!
Where do you fnd the football shapes metal wreaths to start out with? I see the circle ones but I would like the football shaped. Can you help?
I make my own grapevine wreaths. That way, you can make any shape you want. I once made an oval, a heart, and a teapot; the spout was a curved twig, the handle and lid were made separately and attached with wire. Grapevines grow EVERYWHERE!!! On your property, in your apt complex, in the woods, in trees. Yeah, they’re free. Just weave together., tuck in the ends, No cost wreath structure! Make as big and thick as you want.
That’s a great idea.
I make my own from grapevine. They’re Everywhere! On your property, in your apt complex, in woods, etc. Just take clippers and cut in longest lengths you possibly can. Twist together ends get scrunched between vines where it will hold. Now is the time, b4 the vines get stiff and dry, as winter progresses. Fall is best time, i made 1 a few days ago. And it’s still working. Now you can shape it oval, round, football, whatever. I once made a teapot. The spout was a twig. The handle and lid were made separately and attached with wire. Now you can make it as big or little or as thick as you want. Tuck in the ends between 2 vines that will hold. There you go, a free wreath base. Change it with the seasons .😉
Was wondering how much Mesh it took to make that wreath? How much should i buy for a double one like that?
I used a little less than two rolls of decomesh, the long rolls not the wide ribbon sized ones.
I think this has already been asked, but I don’t see the answer. What was the width of the deco mesh that you used? I think I’ve seen them with varying widths, but it seems like the 18″ width would be best???
The longer role, which I think is 21″? I tried it with the short deco mesh ribbon and it just didn’t look very full.
I got the wrong size and don’t want to waste it can it still be made with the 4 in geomesh
yes! It just won’t be as full. In that case I would add other things to bring more interest, more decorations or glittered sprays.
Hello, love these wreaths but have no idea where to purchase any of the materials. Please help
I got everything for this wreath at Hobby Lobby. You can also find it at Michael’s Craft Store. Sams club also has decomesh for christmas right now but you’ll have to buy the wreath form and pipe cleaners at a craft store.
Hey, what size is your deco mesh 10″ or 21″ and how many yards does it take to go around the form?
21″ and I used about two rolls but I don’t remember how much was on each roll.
I LOVE this wreath. Your tutorial is the easiest I’ve read so far. I can’t wait to start a wreath!
I LOVE this wreath. Can’t wait to try it myself. Your tuturial is the easiest I’ve seen. Thanks!!
Did you use the pipe cleaners all on one row, or do they alternate between the three? I can’t tell if you did one row and then filled in with another?? Sorry, probably a dumb question!
Do you think this same concept could be used with tulle? I haven’t worked with it much, but after pricing everything, the tulle was definitely cheaper. What are your thoughts? Thank you so much, the baby shower wreath turned out SUPER cute!
Thanks for the tutorial on Deco Wreath, I do a lot of crafts for gifts because of finances, you have made the instructions so easy,NOW I am going to try one. I would love to make them for some of my friends.. People like you are special. God bless and thanks
Thank you so much. 🙂
most of the wreaths i saw at MICHAEL’S WERE MADE WITH A STRAW base. i have not seen any tutoriels. can you help.?????????. all i’ve seen have been with the wire. I NOW HAVE LOTS OD STRAW WREATHS. thanks, leslie
Awesome!! I wish I could’ve done this for my front door this Christmas! All my decorations were pink!!
Oh! Love it! I’m so doing this for V-Day. i’m on it like cronic. Unless that’s a drug, then I’m on it like something else less addictive and illegal.
Haha! You are so crazy, that’s the only drug you need!
I love it that you showed how to use your own pipe cleaners. All the other instructions I have found use a special form with the wires already attached. Thank you.
Those forms are expensive and you have to order them. I’m too scatterbrained to order stuff from the internet.
I was thinking that those washing, shower- puff scrubber thingy’s at Dollar tree could be used instead, and they are only a dollar and available in several colors, just pull it apart and use the same techniques described here.
What size of wreath frame did you use? Also how long did you cut your pipe cleaners?
I don’t remember how big of a frame and I did not cut pipe cleaners.
you can buy every thing you need to make these wreaths at mardigras outlet.com they also have a blog ,,, this is where i buy all my supplies for deco mesh wreaths they have the frames also at a cheaper price frames start at 3.95 for a 20inch and your mesh starts at 7.25 and up ,,, they also have some cheaper than that
Your instructions were great and answers to questions very informational. Great job keeping instructions and answers simple for us beginners! Best instructional blog on any topic I have seen!
What was the width or the deco mesh you used on this wreath? Seems it comes in 5-1/2 and 21 inches. How many rolls did you use for double coverage?
Thank you so much for posting this tutorial and answering so many questions,.
Gayle Short
I used 21 inches. I’ve tried the 5 inches before and it doesn’t get the same volume but it’s great to use as an accent color. This wreath took two rolls.
I love it, I need a new colorful wreath for my front door.
Thanks so much for the tutorial!
If you do a wreath from it, share a picture of it with me on my facebook. http://www.facebook.com/clumsycrafter
how did you get polka dots on the initial?
I just painted them on using a flat paintbrush. You hold one side of it in the middle as a point and just swirl it around to make a polka dot. It’s simple you just have to practice on some paper first until you get the hang of it.
I have 16″ wire wreaths, how much deco mesh should I use? We are using 2 different colors. I though using 5 yards of each color. Do the put the color on the bottom that I want to “pop”?
I would use two big ones per wreath to get it really full. I would use the base color first and then tuck the color you want to pop down inside the other color.
Do you tie the pipe cleaners in different areas or throughout the wreath? I couldn’t tell if you alternated the rows or they were ALL tied on the outer rim of the wreath. I couldn’t tell by the pix. Thanks for the tutorial!
I alternated them all throughout and even added more later where I had gaps and needed to tie it down!
I have been searching for the perfect wreath and HERE IT IS….Just want to verify the size of the wire wreath that you used….and the size mesh that you used and how much is on a roll to get the effect you have made…knowing that you used two rolls…Love love love it
Sorry…my fingers got a little punchy…Thanks Bobbie
I made a wreath for Christmas and it was red. I just sprayed the wire wreath red and it didn’t show through. Thanks for the post
I have a mesh wreath that got smushed in storage. Any ideas how to revive it?
I am going to attempt to do a Princess one and a Pirate one for my grandkids upcoming birthdays in April/..although I might not use the mesh for the pirate one…Thanks for the tutorial…answered all my questions.
What is the best technique if I want to use two alternating colors but want the colors alternating on the same wire layer?
I would do one layer all the way around and then add the second color, the one that you want to be more dominant and just go around it again.
thanks you make it sound so simple……….i have a son getting married this fall and i wondered about making a couple either in white and silver or wedding colors…….blush and champagne any ideas
When using a light colored mesh, like pale blue & white, how can I cover the wreath form so it doesn’t show through? I thought of possibly wrapping something on the rings from the back, any ideas?
You could spray paint the wreath form white before you start.
What kind of glue did you use to attach a ribbon to the letter?
How do you keep the mesh from fraying after you cut it?
You can dab a little hot glue on the end on the side where the metal wire is. This will help the last strand from coming off and letting it fray.
The wreath looks just wow. I too made some on my own. I still have some deco mesh left that I bought for wreaths creation. I know deco mesh is a very versatile material that is excellent for a huge variety of projects. So may be I’ll use them for some other project too.
Love the wreath and your instructions look very easy. I looked at some deco mesh wreaths that were on display at Michael’s Craft store today. Looked on the backs of each one and I could not see where or what they used to hold the mesh in place. I didn’t see anything at all wrapped around the green wires of the wreath. They were so busy that there was no one there to ask. Kind of looked like the mesh was braided from the back.
I’ve never thought to look at how they do it. But all the ones I’ve seen from there haven’t been very full.
I would like to know which of the wire rows do you used to put the pipe cleaners on are they all on one row or do you more then one row thanks Brenda
I alternate them all over the wires. Any spot that looks bare when I’m done I add another pipe cleaner to.
I made one but don’t like it . Pecan I take it apart and do it again or it will be messed up???
You can try! Some of the mesh may be crimped or out of shape but if you don’t like it and probably won’t use it, what’s it going to hurt to try to redo it?
I love your blog thank you for the beautiful wreath ideas and the information
How many pipe cleaners for 12 Inc wreath and is 10 Inc mesh good to use want it smaller if green is showing do 2 rows?
The pipe cleaners come in a huge bag for cheap so I would say start with 10 – 15 and add more if you want it fuller.
hola como estas muy bonita tu corona, me gustaria saber como puedo comprar o adquirir las cintas y mallas, vivo en Tacna-Peru, espero tu respuesta.
I have a 16 inch wire form and I could only find four 10.5 inch rolls of mesh will this be enough to make a pretty full wreath?
Thanks for this tutorial! Bought some mesh ribbon and other wreath materials on a whim recently and then was really overwhelmed when I attempted initially, but reading this helped! First layer done and I can’t wait to see it when it is all finished!