Don’t Dunk the New Oreo!
I’m an animal lover. Unless it has scales and slithers on it’s belly, which makes it evil, than I probably love it and want to cuddle with it.
A normal text from my neighbor asking us to watch their pets is similar to this – “Hey we’ll be gone tomorrow night can feed the dog and check on our guinea pig?”.
A normal text to them asking for them to watch our pets while we are gone goes something more like this – “Hey we’ll be gone tomorrow can you check on both dogs, feed the cat but don’t let her out – guard the door like a ninja, feed the guinea pig the pellets and fresh cut fruit in the fridge and just check on the fish to make sure it’s not floating yet?”
I think our neighbors have the bad end of the deal here.
But…. something happened on Friday that’s now going to make my text to my neighbors even longer.
You see I dropped the girls off early Friday at a babysitter’s house that lives out in the country and when I picked them up I saw this:
Actually what I saw involved sobbing and tears. One of our girls had bonded with this kitten and the babysitter had told them that they were taking it to the shelter that night because no one had wanted it.
*face palm*
So I texted Mr. Byrd asking if we could bring the kitten home expecting him to say no. He said it was my call.
I texted my mother-in-law pleading with her to take the kitten but she claimed that her grandchild looked too bonded with it.
So we loaded the kitten and kids in the van, which already held one of the dogs I had brought with me to pick up the kids.
We were already resembling a traveling zoo.
I was about to put it in reverse when our middle child, the one bonded with the kitten, scream “oh my turtle!”. Then she jumped out of the van and ran into the babysitters garage and came back with a box holding a box turtle.
Honestly she didn’t ask if we could take it home and at this point I was so speechless that she just climbed in the van with it. It turns out they had found it and decided it needed to come home with us.
5 hours at the babysitters and 2 new pets later and we were headed home with the dog, kitten, turtle and three kids.
Zoo. Just Zoo. There’s no other words at this point.
The turtle is being released back into the wild at a park that has a turtle watch program once our family is recovered from the cold we wound up passing to each other this weekend.
But the kitten is pretty cool and so far it looks like it’s here to stay. Although I wanted to stick with our Big Bang Theory names and give it the name of Howard, since our other cat is Bernadette, or Wil Flea-ton instead of Wil Wheaton. Then the kids decided the cat was to be renamed to Oreo.
So now we have
Snoopy our sleepy Basset / dachshund mix
Dr. Sheldon Cooper our dachshund / pitiful mix
Bernadette – the angry about the new edition cat
Joshua the greedy guinea pig
Toby the not dead yet fish
Oreo the kitten.
Besides not moving from the couch Sunday because of a bad cold, that’s my weekend. How was yours? Any new cats?
Beth says
We have a zoo too. 5 barn cats and counting! Once your kids learn to drive they can bring more animals home!!
Besides the cats, a mini dachsund, 10 chickens, 2 goats, 3 bunnies.