She’s 8 today. Little Miss Prim and Proper who this year has figured out the joy of burping and fart jokes is not so little anymore.
I cannot believe she’s 8. It seems like she should still be a tiny baby with a strawberry blonde mohawk, not a big girl riding her bike and learning how to do jumps on her scooter.
She’s a natural born gymnast which she obviously did not get from me. This week she showed me her one handed perfect cartwheel. Half way there to her goal of a no handed cartwheel.
She’s the one that is the most like me. Shy, nature loving, animal lover that wants to do nothing but paint / draw / create all day long. Until Princess Newbie started showing her personality she was also the family boss. Now she has a little sister trying to take that title away from her.
This year she decided that it would be ok to wear pants, for the first time since she started dressing herself in only dresses and skirts at age 3.
And now, even though I’ve asked her, she just won’t stop growing.
Happy Birthday Grace. You are simply amazing.
What a cutie! Happy Birthday Grace!! I loved when my kids were eight, at that age they’re so curious and love to learn. And what an accomplishment, to do a one handed cartwheel. I could barely do a two-handed somersault!! Great job.
Thanks Joanie! I hope you’re having a great trip. I would love to get together so you can tell me all about it when you’re back.