Free Printable Valentine’s Cards:
For those gross but adorable types: I Pick You Valentine! Grab a copy of this free printable valentine card here. There’s also another version that would be great for teachers if you add a package of pencils to it. But if you don’t like the gross humor than here’s some other options like these llama valentines from Artsy Fartsy Mama: This one is one of my favorites. If your young girl loves Star Wars than these are the perfect geeky girl Star Wars valentines. Those make my geek heart happy. You can download the Star Wars Valentines here. Or you can download these adorable Harry Potter Valentines free from A Few Shortcuts – If your child loves cute and simple then they will like this option:I like these from Crazy Little Projects because they are simple and sweet. Valentines are so fancy now, sometimes it’s good just to get back to simple loveliness.
These Zebra valentines are great because they are simply timeless. You could lay one of these on a coworker’s desk along with some candy, pop one in the mail with an extremely large Starbucks gift card to your favorite blogger (me), Print them out for your middle schooler or even send them along to preschool with your 4 year old. They’re great valentines cards for boys or girls, it doesn’t really matter. You can find them to print at Bunny Cakes.
I love these cards from Fresh Picked Whimsy. They are so cute and whimsical, which really fits with Fresh Picked Whimsy, don’t you think? Also this has a great mix of valentines for both boys and girls.
You had me at gnome valentine. Simple, colorful and cute. What’s not to love about these Valentine’s from Secret Agent Josephine?
Because I know that there are those of you out there that are twihards, Twilight Valentines Cards by Ambrosia Creative. (I feel like I’m feeding the monster).
My kids will love these because they’ve been begging me for a type writer. But I love these from Pepto Girl because there’s a sewing machine valentine, “sew in love”.
Finally we have these great You Rock Valentines from Living Locurto. I love her printables, she always has some really amazing ideas. These would be so great for a boy that wants to be cool but still give valentines.
Finally don’t forget the dinosaurs! Grab a copy of these free printable dinosaur valentines at About a Mom.Have fun printing! Don’t forget to sign up to receive more free printables by email in the box below.
Brock says
Might I say thank you for turning me onto Big Bang Theory. It is now one of my favorite shows.
Bobbie says
You are wise!! Best show eva!
Susie says
Thanks for saving my Valentines day 🙂