Halloween of Years Past
The other day I found files on one of my old memory sticks that I had forgotten from 3 years ago. Some of the files on that memory stick are so sweet and bring me back to this time three years ago. Princess Newbie was just that, a newer member of the family. Just a little more than a year old and she wasn’t thrilled about dressing up for halloween. She actually hated it until the first piece of candy hit her basket. Ever since then she’s been sold on the entire trick or treating experience.
That year was our first foray into homemade costumes. Since then we’ve had flower pots, and peacocks, and more fairies oh my! In fact just a few short hours before I found these old pictures we had talked at dinner about what they wanted to be for halloween this year. So far we have Jessie the Cowgirl, a purple crazy minion (guess who that one is!) and a deer.
So many great memories at our old house. Carving pumpkins for the first time with this girl. We let the older two draw the faces on the pumpkin with crayons and then we cut them out. They were so proud of them. Without a doubt, old pictures just confirm that our family is filled with love (and a few stray pumpkin seeds). Also, I have decided to start sending out a monthly email newsletter that will have one older (but great!) post, a new idea and hopefully some friends of mine dropping by with their crafts and recipes. If you would like to sign up, please fill in the box below. Thank you!