Hello happy crafters, it’s your fearless leader speaking. Just kidding, I have plenty of fear. Yes I’ll hot glue anything to anything or use glitter with undone abandonment but I’m not totally fearless.
Here’s what I fear:
- Snakes. Big time.
- Running out of coffee. My family fears this as well.
- My kindle dying, which happened this year. It was a nightmare.
- Walking into a room full of strangers. Introvert for life.
- Putting myself out there. Not just in the way of writing a blog that’s read by a million or so people a year. No, I mean really just taking a leap into the unknown.
Want to see my newest leap? I can’t believe I’m telling you guys this.

BJ Byrd? That’s me. Bobbie Jo Byrd.
I wrote a book. Actually, I’ve written a few but I’ve been so afraid to act on it that I haven’t done anything more than write them. This time though I have friends and family that are kicking my butt to publish one of them.
So I’ve sent copies off to early readers and another copy to a final editor and soon you can grab your own copy off Amazon
Why am I telling you this? Because the best way to push yourself and hold yourself accountable is by telling a couple of thousand people. Right?
Why BJ Byrd? Because eventually I’d like to write some craft books too and I don’t want people getting confused. Plus, my grandfather called me BJ and I promised him I would do it. His name was Bobby and my other grandfather’s name was Joseph, hence Bobbie Jo.
Do I love to read as much as I like to write? Yes! I’m
The Big Game is This Sunday!
I say that like I care but honestly I don’t. Plus my husband rants like mad whenever someone asks him about it because he’s a Saints fan. So we will not be watching it at all.
But if you’re hosting a party or just like football, here’s three things that might help you a little.
#1 – Leather Football Earrings.

Don’t let your ears be sad just because all the Saints fans are. Don’t let my husband read that sentence either. Get the full step-by-step instructions and cut files for leather football earrings.
#2 – Big Game Bingo Cards

These are a really old free printable that I was going to redo this year but I just never got around to it. Let’s be honest, I don’t know what half the things on these cards mean but it’s great to have if you’re hosting a party. Grab the free Printable Bingo Cards Here.
#3 – The Easiest Super Bowl Decorating You’ll Ever Do

See this? It’s easy. All you need is white poster board or a roll of white butcher paper and some black markers. All of this you can get at a dollar store. Place your chips, dips, and other snack foods on the table on top of the white paper and then add football play symbols that point to the food.
It’s fun, simple and so easy! And if you don’t know what a football play looks like, there’s no shame in Googling different ideas.

I won’t be watching the Big Game because I’ll be driving back from visiting family out of town. It’s my sister’s birthday so we are jumping in the car in the morning and driving a few hours north to party away like older adults with sensible bedtimes.
I am blessed to have three sisters and one brother. This particular sister, the birthday girl, and I are total opposites. I’ve learned to never ask what she’s reading, drinking, or her political views on a situation but one thing is for certain, she fights FOR me. She believes in me and the life I chose to lead, even if it doesn’t look like hers, and she supports me in it. I think that’s the best gift you can give someone you love.
So Happy Birthday Sister. I’m glad you’re older (than me) and I love you.
And to the rest of you fabulous people, I hope you have a great weekend that’s full of paint and glitter. And if things get too wild, look here to find out how to un-super glue your fingers.
Those earrings are stinkn’ adorable! Have fun with sis! Party hardy – well, and responsibly, I suppose 😉
Thank you, it was a great party and a fun weekend.
Wow, I had no idea you were writing fiction. I would definitely read your book!!
Thank you so much. That is much needed encouragement.