We made the baseball frame craft that I shared with you earlier this year and several of the other crafts that I shared in the post, Game On VBS Craft Ideas. You can also see some of the VBS Game On Decoration Ideas in this other post that I did as well. My oldest daughter was finally old enough to be a youth helper in the VBS room that I taught in. Not only that but this year our youngest daughter was in my class. It was a great week because I got to see our oldest lead and serve and watch our youngest interact with her friends. Plus being in the same room together meant that I caught this picture of sisterly love, which is a framer.
VBS was a lot of fun, so much fun that the next week I dislocated my knee and spent a few days in bed. Did I mention that two days after that we hosted all of the 13 and up swimmers from the swim team for dinner? Yea. Crazy. Here’s a life-saving tip for anyone ever hosting a ton of teens for dinner: nacho bar. A few days after the swim team dinner, our oldest two kids served on a mission trip here in our hometown. I know it sounds crazy that a mission trip would be here in our hometown but this is a mission that the youth from our church does every summer. They travel to whatever town in whatever state has had a disaster that year and do construction projects to help people in that town rebuild. Well, we happen to live in one of the hardest hit areas of Harvey in terms of flooding, so this year the entire mission project with teams from churches all over showed up here in our town and stayed at our church.

And… I wasn’t going to share this because it proves I’m a dork… but Jay from Texas Humor, one of my favorite websites, came to speak for us at the conference and I got a picture with him. It’s also the only picture that I have with any of the speakers because it totally slipped my mind to ask!