It's time for Valentine's Day Crafts and I am so excited. One of my favorite colors is red. Add a little glitter and heart shapes and I'm sold forever. I love simple Valentine's Day crafts. This craft, The Easy Heart Canvas, is one of my all time favorites. I made it last year and kept it displayed all year. I only took it down for Christmas and couldn't wait to pull them back out. Here's why I love this project: The black, white and red color combinations are perfect. It's easy. It's easy. It's easy. Glitter. I know glitter sometimes gets a … [Read more...]
Search Results for: valentines day
Last Minute Mother’s Day Gifts
Mother's Day is soon! So what are you going to do? Don't worry - I can help. First here's a great project for kids to make - Celery Rose Prints May I suggest you just leave this tutorial open on the counter with celery and paints next to it and sneak out for some mom time? You can use celery to make roses on any solid flat surface so you don't have to use a tote bag. Maybe decorate a canvas with or or even a scarf using fabric paint? These is a project that kids can easily help with or take charge and do it themselves. It's quick and cost effective, making it a great … [Read more...]
7 Easy Valentine’s Day Crafts & Printables
Valentine's Day is 9 days away. Wow! Can you believe it? Valentine's Day always just sneaks up on us when we're still trying to get back to life after the Christmas rush. No worries though, I have you covered. Today let's take a walk down Valentine's memory lane. Let me share with you a few great Valentine's Day crafts and printables from years past. 1. The Heart Bag - This is an easy project and the best news is that you can take this same technique and use it on different materials. Make a heart on a wood slice with your the initials of you and your … [Read more...]
The Cutest Magnets for Valentine’s Day
This is an old post from last year. But it is one of my favorite all time projects. It's just so fun and easy. It's hard to take it too seriously when it's just a magnet. Get some friends together and have a lil' magnet painting party! One of my favorite ways to relax is to just paint. (Disclaimer - I'm not a pro.) But without a doubt it is a great way to just sit down and have time to yourself to craft. These Mini Canvas Magnets I made the other day are the perfect craft that just gets your creative juices flowing, your hands mucked up with paint and gives you a chance to just sit and … [Read more...]
Bag of Chips Valentines
Sometimes I see an idea when browsing Pinterest and just think "wow... that person is a genius!". Then I click over to the blog and sometimes go, "wow, that person is a genius with style!". Ha. I know nothing about style. Mom jeans come in skinny jeans, this I know. However I found this cute Valentine's Day idea the other day and couldn't pass up the chance to share it with you. This perfect Valentine for the hip candy free crowd can be found at Don't you just love it? Maybe it's the 80's / 90's kid in me but "all that and a bag of chips" just … [Read more...]
Valentine’s Day Mantel Decorations
Valentine's Day actually gets fun when you have kids and a spouse that you're more in love with than you were when you got married 9 years ago. Now that our girls are getting older I want to be able to decorate a little bit for Valentine's Day but I don't want to break the bank. So using a few things that I already had and a few items from the dollar store, I made a great Valentine's Day Mantel and made some adorable Valentine's Decor for virtually nothing. The heart garland at the top of the fireplace is from the Dollar Store and cost me a whopping $1. I attached it to bobby pins and … [Read more...]
Southern Love: Valentine’s Day Ideas
This past week I shared with you just a few of the great blogs that come out of Houston Texas. Well I want to wrap the Houston Blogger's week up with a few of these amazing Valentine's Day Ideas and recipes that all come from Houston Bloggers. Nothing is sweeter than Valentine's Day in the south because we know how to bake, craft, and we're smart (somewhat). As usual, click on the picture to be taken to the site with directions or recipes to create these amazing things for the love of your life on Valentine's day. If you like these ideas than you might also like Fall In The … [Read more...]
Valentine’s Day Chalkboard Wreath
Do you realize that it is already January 7th? I feel like New Years was yesterday. However you only have a few more weeks until valentines and any heart themed crafts need to be done now. So today let me share with you my all time favorite wreath that I made as a valentine's day wreath. It's extremely easy to make and super cute hanging on your front door. Plus it you can find a tutorial on how to make it yourself right here. If you love it as much as I do, please feel free to pin it and share with your friends. … [Read more...]
The Best Valentine’s Day Ideas
Can you believe Christmas is over? New Years is over too. By now your head should be starting to clear from the holiday rush. The bad news is that I'm always late to Valentines because I let it sneak up on me. The week before I'm trying to decorate and make valentines. This year will be different! Well it might be different, I'm still a procrastinator. Here's a few of the greatest Valentine crafts that I found on Pinterest. Plan now! Time is short. Go check out the tutorials or grab the free printables by clicking on the pictures. Next week I'll repost my Valentine's Wreath … [Read more...]
Valentines, Smalentines
Did anyone else just realize that Valentines is this week? hahaha... hum... yeah. I'm not really on the ball. A friend laughed at me last week because I didn't know it was Thursday, do you think she would laugh if I told her I'm barely realizing that it's February? To get in the Valentines spirit, I made a felt heart chain. I must have really liked the idea because I made about 45 feet of it. Not joking... there's a lot of felt hearts at my house. His Royal Highness made a comment about how I must love Valentines more than Christmas because I decorated more for Valentines. No, not really.. I … [Read more...]
Valentine’s Heart Shadow Box – With Free Valentine Cut File
Love is in the air. It's also on the shelves and hanging on the walls in Valentine's Day decorations. The good news is that this is a very fun and easy Valentine's Day decoration craft project that you can easily make at home. Plus at the bottom of this post, I'm going to give you the free cut file for this LOVE heart. One of the things that makes this project so simple is that once you have a few parts ready, you just put it together and it's done! Who doesn't love quick and easy Valentine's Day projects like this? Here's the awesome thing - this would also be a really … [Read more...]
All You Need is Love (and Mod Podge)
This is an older post but let's be honest, I just love it. I still have this little wooden heart sign and each year it's one of my favorite Valentine Decorations to pull out of storage and put on the shelf. It makes me happy. That's why I hope that you'll like this super simple Valentine's Day Craft as much as I do. There's a wall in my kitchen where I have my paint chip art that I've been meaning to add a few other things to as well. My plan was to have a small gallery wall by the kitchen table full of things that make us happy. Then I got the call that a local news station wanted … [Read more...]