If you’ve followed me for a while then you know that there are days that I read almost as much as I breathe. I’m an avid reader of happy books. I don’t read mysteries or crime books, I leave those for my mother-in-law. I want to read books that leave me with happy little feelings inside, which is also why I watch Hallmark movies. You get me, right? I know I’m not the only one.
However lately because of this post, I’ve been reading a lot more nonfiction books. Usually, I just want to get lost in a fairytale but this year I got a little lost in my own pit of despair so I’ve been reading primarily non-fiction books to help pull me out of that pit.
So today let me show you three of the best faith-based non-fiction books I’ve read lately that I really want to urge you to read if you haven’t and then I’ll follow those up with a few happy, pool-side reads that I’ve really enjoyed.
And yes, this post contains affiliate links because I want you to be able to find these books that I’m recommending to you.
If you’re just here for the happy books, scroll down.
3 Non-fiction Faith-Based Books That Have Changed My Life

Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
My friend gave me this book 5 years ago and recommended I read it. Somehow the book got put in the filling cabinet known as my closet and I never even read the first page – in fact, I forgot it was even there. Fast forward to this year when it was recommended that I read it and another friend loaned me their copy.
Without a doubt, this book has really made me think about what it means to carry one another’s burdens. Yes, it is a faith based book and as a Christian, I had struggled for years with the thoughts that we’re told to help one another, which at times has bogged me down and made me a doormat. This book really outlined for me the true meaning of carrying on another’s burdens and how to draw healthy, Christ-based boundaries in my own life.
I liked it so much that I bought 6 copies on Ebay (which is an amazing resource for paperback books) and gave them to friends that had all asked to borrow the book when I was finished.
Check out Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend

None Like Him by Jen Wilkin
Guys… this book is good. This was the first book by Jen Wilkin that I read and I loved it. It’s not touchy-feely like a lot of women’s Christian living books tend to steer towards. In fact, I liked it so much that I gave it to a male pastor friend and told him just to cover up the flowers on the cover. He replied that he loved flowers. I knew I liked that guy.
This book just has solid truth about who God is that we cannot be. It kinda gives you a gut check and makes you realize that in ways, you are trying to be God at times. I needed that gut check. Sometime the fairytale needs a reality check.
Check out None Like Him by Jen Wilkin

In His Image by Jen Wilkin
Yes, it’s another book by Jen Wilkin. Why? Because I loved the first one so much that I decided to give her next book a go, doubting that it could impact me as much as the first one but why not give it a try?
Guys… It’s just as good as the first book.
In His Image is the solid truth about who God is that you, if you’re His child, can also be are as well. If you’re struggling with self-doubt or depression, you should read this. It’s not free from gut checks, but it’s also a great reminder of what you’ve already been given.
Check out In His Image by Jen Wilkin
What I’m Reading – 3 Happy Fiction Books That Are Perfect For Summer
If you’re a dreamer or just like happy books, this section is for you. I primarily read on my Kindle when it comes to fiction books and I prefer to support mostly indie authors.
That means that these are smaller, lesser-known authors but it doesn’t make the books any less amazing. In fact, maybe this will help you find a few gems that you probably weren’t expecting in the huge minefield of books known as Amazon.

The Billionaire’s Secret Heir by Emma St. Clair
Ok… Ok… I know.. I went from christian living books to a billionaire baby daddy book? Nope, I didn’t. This is a faith-based book that will warm your heart. I’m not joking. The author is actually a real life friend of mine who is amazing and is creating an empire with her writing.
This book really surprised me. I almost didn’t read it at first because of the title (and yes, I told my friend that) but once I read the book description, I knew I needed to give it a chance and honestly, it’s one of her best books so far.
Plus, if you don’t know… I do graphic design on the side and designed the book cover for her. I also designed this book cover for her but haven’t had time to read it yet.
Check out The Billionaire’s Secret Heir by Emma St. Clair

Finding Jack by Melanie Jacobson
The book description says that is a fairy-tale in reverse, or flipped, and honestly, I don’t see it. This book isn’t so much as a fairytale as just a life story. Yes, it has my happy ending but it has real life issues in it too that I liked.
It’s a good pool side read or just to tuck into your purse and read while you’re waiting for kids…(which is how I spend 99.9% of my life).
Check out Finding Jack by Melanie Jacobson

Engaging Mr. Darcy by Rachel John
What? You wanted me to tell you the books I’ve been reading and not include at least one that’s based on Pride and Prejudice? HA! Not possible.
Actually I saw this book on the Kindle bookstore and passed it over several times. It just wasn’t grabbing my attention. But then my friend, Emma St. Clair, recommended it so I read it. Then I read everything else from Rachel John and loved it all too. But this one… this one is my favorite so far. It’s just a great modern day retelling of Pride and Prejudice that’s light hearted and an easy summer read.
I’m re-reading it before starting her second book in this series, Emma the Matchmaker.
Check out Engaging Mr. Darcy by Rachel John
There’s 6 books to get you started with some great summer reading.
If you’re also an avid reader, here’s a post full of book craft ideas, free book based printables, and a more books that you might enjoy.
Have a book that you recommend for me to read next? Hop over to my Facebook page and leave me a comment letting me know all about it.
[…] used to be an insane Kindle user. In any post I have about reading or the tools I love for reading, I mention Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. But…. a lot of the […]