Tap. Tap. Tap. Is Anyone Still There?
Oh friends I’m so sorry to have deserted you. I was so extremely sick with the flu last week. Then when I thought I was better, it got worse. Yes the flu was gone but hello secondary infection.
I had a few things planned to put up for you guys and it would have been easy to post them but even the thought of opening my laptop just wore me out.
I was so extremely tired. The last time I was that tired our oldest was 13 months old and we had a newborn with colic.
Every morning I would wake up and move to the couch where I would fall back asleep for hours. The kids were so unbelievably good and brought me food and kept quiet. They kept downstairs picked up and got along. It seemed like all our years of parenting woes and issues were finally paying off, or so I thought.
Then I went upstairs and realized that they’re not so perfect after all. It turns out that loosing your temper when you have no voice is a lot more effective than screaming. A barking seal on a rampage inspired those kids to action.
The flu this year is nasty and the flu shot doesn’t seem that effective against it. Several people I know have now caught the full blown flu from the shot and shared it with their families.
Wednesday I felt better and went to church. The symptoms from the flu except for my hoarse voice and occasional cough were gone. Things were looking up.
Thursday I coughed a bit more.
Friday I wanted to lie on the couch and die.
Saturday I might have.
Sunday is always fun when you’re having coughing fits. It consists of running out of Sunday School so that you can go cough up a lung in the bathroom. Then during Sunday church service you have to politely convince the couple sitting in front of you that you don’t have the plaque and they probably won’t die from your non stop coughing. I knew then that I wasn’t contagious after a nice prescription but their eyes didn’t seem to believe me.
Sunday night the coughing was getting better and the energy level was slowly rising.
Today is Monday. For those of you that just found this out, I apologize.
I spent part of last night walking around my craft room, digging in drawers and looking for ideas. I have a week’s worth of things to catch up on. There hasn’t been a glue gun burn in a week. My side of the bathroom sink is missing a lot of paint blotches. It’s just sad. There’s so much to do this week.
And the new Instant Pot I ordered will be here on Wednesday. (I’m so excited)
This week I’m going to show you a great kids craft and a few other cute ideas.
Hopefully you will be healthy and well and ready to create with me.
Teq says
Been there done that, we understand. All we want is for you to get better soon.
Bobbie says
Thank you!
Gothic Gourd Girl says
So sorry you were sick! Mom’s aren’t allowed to get sick. Jeez, didn’t you know?
At any rate, after hearing the word of another human, and seeing no one commented even a courteous “get well”, I will represent the cause of human decency, and wish you good health. Oh, and that your children and husband (if you have one) don’t fall ill either. Because, when our kids get sick we work and worry, and when most males get sick they whine like they are dying. Dying over a cold. i know I generalize, but isn’t it true? Men can’t endure much of the minor stuff. Major stuff, they can be tough aaa nails.
Bobbie says
Thank you! I wish I would have gotten the memo that moms aren’t allowed to get sick! I’m very happy to report that no one else in my family got it. I kept myself quarantined from the rest of the family for almost a week.
Gothic Gourd Girl says
Spelling corrections: word=woe
Sorry. I am a teacher, and am ashamed I didn’t edit my comment.
(I’m sick also, and so tired I didn’t want to reread my drivel. Looks like I should have!