Maker of Things - Life, Parenting, Travel, Crafts, and Messes
by Bobbie Byrd
I have something embarrassing to tell you, my friends. (Deep breaths)… I know this is a judgment free zone (because yall forgive me for having the world’s worst looking hot glue gun).. so here it goes….. My front door is naked. Naked. It’s bad enough that the previous owners painted it a very unfortunate shade […]
It’s always funny when you’re packing everything up at the end of the Christmas season and somehow you need to figure out how to stuff 35 paper Christmas gift bags into one tiny wrapping paper storage box. There’s also a little bit of sadness when a really cute gift bag that you found gets torn […]
love it! sounds like a great way to spend some times with the kids and be creative! I bet they were proud of their work.
well one of them got into time out and didn’t get to participate. She reminds me of that every single time she looks at it!
I love it! I will be trying this soon!
thanks. send me a picture!
Love it…Definitely will be doing this in the Big D. I’m a homeschooler, so it is art and science! Yipee!
thanks! I love fellow homeschoolers. I’m going to check out your blog later tonight!
that is beautiful…did it burn your ankle? We will have to try this…with old crayons. new ones are too expensive here…. praying for your move…
no it did not burn. it’s hot but it dries so extremely quickly! seconds after we spun it, it was dry and cool to the touch. I’ll keep the old crayons we have and send them to you in a future care package.
Neat, it kinda looks like the exploding pizza in your Dad’s house, but nicer 🙂
the good news is that now I have my own exploding pizza painting. So now dad can leave you guys that one at his house in his will!!! You’re welcome!
I love how it turned out!