The Sugar Shoe Miracle
This weekend was great. It started off with a couple of superheroes patrolling our neighborhood, searching for candy while keeping the peace.
Then a pink fairy showed up to sprinkle my gardens with love in hopes of finally making something grow.
Pink fairy happens to be her favorite halloween costume. It’s a yearly request that sometimes we try to get her to venture out to something else but this year, we just let it roll (again).
After the neighborhood was free of all evil villans and the dew drops had been placed on all the flowers, the grandparents arrived for a weekend visit.
You know what happens with the grandparents come for the weekend right? Donuts and chocolate milk were added to the candy already fueling the kids and they were hyper.
But then the grandparents bought them all new tennis shoes and they decided that since they had new shoes they had to run around the yard in constant circles – for hours. I’m sure the constant sugar high had no influence in that decision.
Sometimes I dread the sugar highs because the lows are so low and involve wailing and gnashing of teeth.
But this weekend worked out great. The time change on top of the sugar filled circle marathon worked out better than I could have expected.
After the grandparents left we spent the afternoon at the park, still running and jumping with the new shoes.
Blowing bubbles from the Halloween candy stash,
Playing on some new playground equipment we found,
Pushing each other round and round,
And riding on the zipline.
Then the most glorious thing happened. On a weekend that should have ended with sobbing from the crazy time change, stomaches from the candy, and fighting from the extreme sugar crash there was …… quiet.
They almost begged to go to bed. Their eyes were heavy and glazed. All the running and excitement on the weekend caught up with them. They were too tired to fight with their sister over the correct amount of toothpaste to smear all over the counter or subtly torture the cat with the nightly hug-a-thon.
There was peace.
Since the Christmas season now appears to start on November 1st, we’ll just consider it a Christmas sugar shoe miracle.
Ho-ho-ho, hope your weekend was candy filled and fantastic.