You know you’ve reached middle age when you hand your child your phone and ask them to fix it for you. Am I right? Or when someone around you is talking about their high school graduation and you need more than your fingers and toes to count how long ago you graduated. It’s OK to laugh about getting older, that’s why I made this free cut file for you – Too Old for Snapchat, Too Young for Life Alert.
It makes it funnier when I tell you that every child in my house asked what Life Alert is.
We should all laugh every day. The best news is that when you wear this shirt not only will you laugh but so will all the other people around you – except the teens who will scratch their head while wondering what Life Alert is and how many followers they now have on Snapchat.
Roll with it. Laugh, a lot.
I am going to share this cut file with you below. It is free to download and use for personal use – or to share with a friend. However, as with all free resources on Clumsy Crafter, it is not for commercial use. If you would like to sell a shirt or other product with this design, please contact me for licensing.
I’m also only sharing this cut file in .png format. Most cutters will accept that format, and it’s the one I prefer for simple designs like this. If you need to convert it, it’s easy to find .svg file converters online.
What Kind of Machines Do You Use?
I always get this question in the comments so I’m going to go ahead and tell you now.
I use:
Both of those are linked (with an affiliate) to Amazon if you are interested in learning more about them or purchasing your own.

Free Cut File Download:
Download the free .png version of, “Too Old for Snapchat, Too Young for Life Alert” here:
DownloadIf you love this free cut file, just wait! There’s more!
Other Free Cut Files from Clumsy Crafter include:

- Wicked Chickens Lay Deviled Eggs
- Harvard Law – Just Kidding
- Spoiler Alert – It’s Coal
- Love Me Like Darcy Loves Elizabeth
- Let It
Snow - As for Me and My House, We Will Serve Tacos – Salsa 24:7
Get craftin’! And if this cut file makes you laugh, please take a minute and share this post with a crafty friend.