Today’s post could also be titled, “Creative Chewing”. Princess Girly Girl will not pull her loose teeth or let us anywhere near them. The literally just fall out after weeks of hanging in weird positions. We had been begging her to pull the upper tooth that she lost yesterday because it was diagonal and gross. We even informed her that the tooth fairy would give her a bonus for pulling it. Nope. It finally just fell out yesterday.
I found my keys that I’ve been looking for over the past few days. They were at the bottom of the washing machine. Isn’t that where you keep your electronic car keys?
The smoke alarm located right about our bedroom door died last night at 2am. 2am! I think smoke alarms must take an oath to only die at the most inconvenient times. Mr. Byrd never woke up. There was an extremely loud beep that woke me from a dead sleep but he never moved. It kept beeping while I went upstairs to make sure it really was the battery and not a fire somewhere that the other alarms weren’t picking up. He kept sleeping. It kept beeping while I devised a plan to reach the smoke alarm since I came back downstairs without the step stool that I have stored up there. He kept sleeping. I finally got it down and took the battery out only to replace the battery with one that we had stored away even though it apparently was also dead and immediately started beeping again. He kept sleeping. In fact he had no clue about my midnight antics until he checked my facebook page this morning. I hope he never claims to be a light sleeper.
I’m off to puree some foods for our newest resident vampire. What are your plans for this toothless tuesday?
We woke up early today ( getting ourselves back on school schedule ) and were able to say goodbye to Daddy as he headed out for work , haven’t been up early enough to do that all summer! We have new alarm clocks in our rooms and no one could figure out how to turn their clocks off this morning…in our half awake half asleep state of minds , it was very loud! Took the kids out for breakfast before we went to go run errands. We ended up running errands in the rain and I found it quite refreshing! The kids were trying to count the rain drops on the windows of the van. On the way home I also had one of the kids remind me that he never recieved his treat for loosing his tooth a few weeks ago! Some one then asked him what he got when he lost his first tooth , he said ” a button and the keys to the old house! ” lol this I must admit is true 🙂 The tooth fairy around here is somewhat scatter brained and ends up being “creative ” in the ways she treats the kiddos for loosing a tooth. Now we are having quite time sitting in our nice dark house while it rains outside , waiting for the rain to let up before we head to the grocery store 🙂