Tuesday of Terror
Do you know what happens when a 3 year old eats 7 boxes of raisins? As of Tuesday, I do.
Don’t worry, I have another crafty post for you but Tuesday just took the wind out of me.
I woke up not feeling so hot. It’s just one of those things that hormones cause. (Every woman just went ahhh.. and every man went “what?”.)
Two weeks ago I barely hurt my arm moving some heavy stepping stones in the backyard. It’s not big deal but Monday I went wild hacking weeds to death with a hoe in the garden and my arm was throbbing this morning.
I needed to get some work done so I sat down on the couch with my laptop while the oldest two kids were supposed to be cleaning upstairs.
*Supposed to be* …. That’s like a magical phrase of parenting.
In reality they were in my craft room dumping the tiny seed beads on the carpet and then cutting several yards of fabric to shreds. Then when they were done with that, they decided to wash their teddy bears in the sink. When I went upstairs to see what they were doing, there was a layer of water on the entire bathroom floor.
Momma got mad.
I split them up with one child downstairs picking up and the other one upstairs picking up so they couldn’t cause trouble anymore. Yeah. That was a good thought. I put the child upstairs that needs the most supervising while I was downstairs and I’m pretty sure the teddy bears got another bath.
After I finally got a shower things appeared to start looking up. The girls were playing well together and I was almost done with what I needed to do. Until I remembered that we had gymnastics in 40 minutes. So up we went, running like crazy people to get everyone dressed and out the door.
In the rush I grabbed a vintage pyrex coffee mug to put it in the sink. Practically running toward the sink I slipped on some water and my trick knee popped out of place. I was able to grab the sink and hold on for dear life to keep from falling. It pops right back in when it pops out but it hurt very badly. I hugged the sink, fighting back tears for about ten minutes while I could hear the girls in their gymnastics clothes outside, waiting on me to leave. The pyrex mug is a gonner. It flew out of my hand when I slipped and hit the tile backsplash in the kitchen, breaking part of it off.
Finally I got it together and hobbled out to the van so we could get to gymnastics, late.
Of course Princess Newbie was a terror at gymnastics that didn’t want to do anything but talk back to me as loud as she could. It was a homeschool gymnastics class and trust me, normal homeschooled young children are way too well behaved in public. Her talking back and refusing to be half way loving stuck out like a sore thumb and just kinda slapped my bad day in the face.
At this point I was ready to give up for the day but one quick text of total decompression to Mr. Byrd later and I was feeling a little better.
Princess Newbie fell asleep in the car after gymnastics and slept until 6pm, which explained the behavior at gymnastics. The older two got their schoolwork / chores done and then played outside for the rest of the afternoon while I laid on the couch and did absolutely nothing.
I didn’t watch TV, I didn’t play on the computer. I just laid there and slowly became rejuvenated. Dinner was spaghettios for the girls and leftovers for Mr. Byrd.
And then I sat on the couch some more with my bad knee propped under a pillow, my hormone caused sore back supported by another pillow, and my tender arm totally enveloped in pillows.
Somehow I think my body got confused when I turned 32. It must have heard 92.
Wednesday will be better. Mainly because the 7 boxes of raisins are already out of the 3 year old’s system but also because I don’t think it could be much worse. It is me though and Clumsy is in the title for a reason.
Wish me luck.
I lol’ed at this one. You poor thing. Hope the week got better…