Happy Tuesday guys – I’m a little under the weather today.
Poor Mr. Byrd woke up to big plans for Valentine’s Day and a sick wife that wasn’t able to appreciate those plans. But I knew I had a busy week so while he went out the door with kids for church, I headed out to the doctor (alone). Going to the doctor without kids in tow in a magical experience.
As any woman knows, anytime you go to the doctor they ask if there’s any chance you’re pregnant. I guess it’s like being carded, you’ll know that you’re getting older when they stop asking.
However when you go to the doctor without kids you won’t have to break their excitement that you might be pregnant or have to block them from calling the grandparents to tell them that mom is pregnant! No I’m not and there’s no chance I will be – thanks kids. It was just a question from a doctor, not a promise or implication.
Monday on his way home from work Mr. Byrd stopped at Target to be sweet and bring home flowers since Valentine’s Day didn’t really work out for us and I was still feeling sick. They were out of flowers. So he wandered over to the instore Starbucks to bring me coffee but the worker was on a break and wouldn’t make coffee. So he came home once again trying to be sweet but without any luck.
But while I’m under the weather today, there’s a great post that I want to share with you.
This is a post that I wrote about this time last year. Right now I’m in thick of kids that are transitioning to new stages. All the sudden my oldest girls are calling themselves preteens (I know, pass the tissues) but on top of it all, my baby all the sudden has legs longer than any swaddling blankets I can find. She’s about to turn 7 this summer but I refuse to admit it.
When I look back over the past few years sometimes I wish I would have done things differently. We would have spent more time reading and playing games together because before you know it, that time is gone.
Take a few minutes to read this post today – If it hits your heart, please share it with the young moms in your life.
Here’s the link;
What Kids Taught Me About Parenting
I hope you enjoy it and that you have a healthy and happy Tuesday.
Also here’s a few (OK a lot because I couldn’t help myself) photos from our life as parents: