Welcome 2014 – Here’s the Bandwagon
Hopefully if a year starts off on a bad foot, it means it will end on a good foot kinda like the phrase, “save the best for last”.
I’m not going to go into depth about today. Let’s just say that somewhere along the way I lost a toe nail on the bottom corner of a door and then burned the bacon for dinner to the blackest of black. Of course I was only making bacon to make a bacon – corn pasta salad after the cheese sauce I was making for Macaroni and Cheese curdled and died in the pan.
And then in the final blow to the day, Mr. Byrd discovered my chocolate cake hiding place. The secret sanctuary has been discovered. It’s compromised, forever.
But one thing did stand out today – the word for the year.
Now let me give you a back story. When I started reading about people adopting a word for the year, I thought it was crazy! and I still do. However there’s a word that I haven’t been able to get out of my head for the past 24 hours so I’m jumping on the bandwagon for the crazy word of the year people.
So what’s this word? It’s not romantic like dream or lovely. It’s not heroic like brave or conquer. It’s not even an action word like fly or leap.
It’s a plain old boring word that no rational person would pick for their word of the year but I just can’t get it out of my head.
Ready for it?
It’s….. Central.
Crazy right?
So why central?
Think about that crazy bandwagon I just jumped on. It has wheels that are composed of spokes around a CENTRAL hub. That’s what I feel like I need for my life right now. I need a hub, a central place and a central focus. I need to be able to bring every part of my life – the kids, the blog, the conference, the family – to a place where it can all meet together in the middle and work together. I need to find a way to make myself a central tool to my life. Does that even make sense?
I’ve never claimed to make sense and since my word of the year isn’t sense, it obviously won’t happen.
But it’s not just about me. I want to be someone that people can turn to when they need help and I can send them out on their journey with hope and a destination in sight, once again being the central location that they can easily find.
So many times I think we focus on our long range destination and forget about the fact that our life is a circle and whatever you make of the center of that circle will determine your life.
So…. CENTRAL….. it’s boring and if it was a human would most likely have gray hair. Maybe that’s why it’s my word for this year… so I will embrace the gray… or so that I will know that the closest beauty supply store for hair dye is at the center of a shopping center. Starbucks would also probably be at the center of that shopping center.
Hopefully I can report on the first of 2015 on what I really learned about using the word central as my word of the year. Hopefully it will be good and maybe even by then my toenail will have grown back. Hopefully.
What’s your word of the year? If you’re not a bandwagon hopper, that’s ok. I’ll let you buy me a drink at CENTRAL Perk and we can discuss it. (See what I did there? Ok.. I’m going to bed now).
I have never heard of having a word of the year. But yours is great. I like it!
Sure hope your toe feels better soon, and you got that burned bacon smell out of your house 🙂
You have left me inspired with creativity. Thanks!