- Reach out to anyone you know in the affected areas and simply let them know you’re thinking of them. The world moving on while we hold still is hard.
- Donate to a local rebuilding fund. The national charities are amazing but to get the money directly into the hands of people that really need it, think smaller local charities. Our church has a fund to help people in our area who were affected and every cent will go to the people that need it. If you want to donate to our church fund (baptist), please email me for the information – Bobbie@ClumsyCrafter.com.
- Talk about it with people who lived through it. Talking helps. It gets people to finally say things such as, “I feel guilty” which then helps them be able to start processing that. Don’t try to give advice – just open a conversation and then listen.
I will keep you all and all of Houston in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry all of you have to go through something like this. THERE IS LIGHT AND THE END OF THE TUNNEL! GOD promises to be there for us in times of need. HE is our strength!
Thank you and you are right!